Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lily is 31 Months!

I still feel like these titles are lame...31 months. Really? She is just 2.5 years old. 
Whatever, at 31 months Lily loves...

1. ...calling us "mom" and "dad". I suppose she is too old for mama and dada or mommy and daddy. 
2. ...using phrases like, "pretty please", "no way!", and "of course". Sass to the max.
3. ...playing board games using her own rules.
4. ...going to school to do arts and crafts.
5. ...using the potty! She does it consistently without being prompted.
6. ...helping with everything...cooking, taking care of Jack, grading papers...
7. ...watching Disney Jr. Her new love is Jake and the Netherland Pirates.
8. ...using her binoculars to watch birds. She likes to look into them backwards. It's quite the sight.
9. ...spinning around in circles, and then walking around like she is drunk. Because...why not?
10. ...and, of course, mom and dad!

Lily at 31 months. She is a beauty!

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