Wednesday, February 20, 2013

20 Months!

At 20 Months Lily Loves...
1. ...playing with "caulk" (chalk) on her new chalkboard.
2. ...her babies (she has at least 5 dolls).
3. ...riding her tricycle in the house.
4. ...Lazytown (ugh...).
5. her brother, Jack, kisses, hugs, and raspberries (which means mommy gets them soon...c'mon Jack...let's get this show on the road!).
6. ...reading books in her crib.
7. ...beef barley soup (my mom discovered this at lunch one day).
8. ...sitting in mama and dada's bed and looking out the window for "aih-panes" (airplanes).
9. ...walking up the steps (with a lot of help).
10. ...and, of course, mama and dada!

And...for those keeping score...Lily is 20 months on the 20th and I am 40 weeks on the 20th...and Jack is stubborn on the 20th. C'mon little boy, come meet us!!

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