Thursday, July 5, 2012


Well, I missed Wednesday confessions because we were celebrating the 4th! We had a very fun day. Went to the shore house and swam in the pool. Lily got very tired from all of the fun swimming and she took a 2 hour nap at the shore. We were all a little shocked! It was so lovely to be able to lounge in the pool and actually get something of a tan. I didn't get outside much last summer because Lily was so little, that it is very nice to be able to spend time outdoors with her. Today, however, it is far too hot to even think about going outside without a pool around, so we are sticking to staying inside and playing with toys.

Now my confessions...

1. I really love Ramen noodles. They are so darn salty, but they are so good!

2. It is hard to discipline my daughter when she is smiling and laughing and being silly. Those big dimples make me melt. I know she's only 1, so there isn't a lot of hard discipline going on (and really, she is a very good kiddo)...but on the occasion that she needs a little reminding...her cuteness makes it hard to really discipline.

3. I may have confessed this before, but I really love a good nap.

I know, my confessions are a little lame. I don't have anything pressing to confess, as summer is rolling right along. Oh, I suppose I could confess that I really, really, really need to start my summer reading. I have a ton of reading to do and haven't done one bit of it!

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