Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When did it become Wednesday?

Today we had swim lessons again. Lily loves the pool at the shore, but at swim lessons she is less than happy. Today wasn't as bad, but she definitely whined the entire time. She did do much better when she was put under water, but was very happy to get out of the pool.

After swimming, we went to see Becky. We brought some lunch and chatted. Lily was very happy to see her aunt Becky and loved snuggling with her. By the time we left school, Lily was pooped (and so was I!), so we both took good naps.

So, since it's Wednesday, I suppose I should confess (I don't know how many of these I have this week)...

This summer has been wonderful. I love having Lily time and watching her grow. I am, however, looking forward to school a little bit. Really, I am looking forward to seeing my friends and chatting in the office. I am sure the actual teaching part will be fine during the "honeymoon" period, but after that well...sometimes it gets a little dicey.

I am excited for Lily to walk. Is that a confession? Most people don't look forward to the walking stage, but sometimes it would be easier to put Lily down and let her run. She is getting so so so close, which is super exciting. She walked across half of the basement tonight! She looks like a little Frankenstein, and I love it!

I am so bad on confessions lately. I am sure once school starts I will have many more confessions, but right now, things are just kind of swimming along. I am enjoying my time off and having a great time playing with Lily.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, a few pictures to compare my 1 year old pics with my Bean!

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