Friday, July 12, 2013


Ok, people who blog a lot, tell do you blog every single day? Sometimes more than once a day? Most of the blogs I follow are mommy blogs, so I know you have kids. And I know kids are time consuming. I mean, for serious, if I hit a good streak I can blog once a day. That once a day is after I get both kids to bed, or both happen to be napping. Blogging more than once a day? Shoot, that won't ever happen (ok, it happened maybe once, when I did a monthly update and then wrote about my day...). do you do it? I am not looking to blog more than once a day...I just want to know how you find the time!


  1. I wonder the same thing at times. I don't post everyday but this is what I do. I usually schedule my posts so that if there's a day I can't think of anything there's something scheduled. :)

  2. Most of mine are written once the kids are in bed and then posted later. I'm also a rambler...I can sit down and type up a post in 30 minutes or so...well it's done it spurts really lol. I have started doing more schedule things...when I first started I think it was easy to blog so much just because of the excitement of finally doing something that I had wanted to do for so long.

  3. I try to post everyday, with a day off at least once a week. So about 6 posts a week. I do most things when my kids are in bed. That's why most of my posts go live in the evenings. Some weeks it's less than a struggle than others :)
